Building Use Request

Space Requested

If “No”, I/we expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all risk arising out of or in any way connected with our organization’s use of the premises.  Should it become necessary for Emmanuel Lutheran Church (ELC) or anyone acting on its behalf, to incur any costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and court costs, in connection with any loss, claim, demand, damage, cost or other liability for which indemnification is provided herein, I/we agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such costs and expenses. In addition, if any damage to the church property is seen or caused, I/we will report it to the church office immediately.

I am the person/I represent the organization listed above, acknowledges having read & understood the Building Usage Guidelines for ELC. Any violation may result in denial of permission for future use of the church building at the sole discretion of the Church Council. Submission of this form acknowledges my acceptance of  the responsibility for me and/or my organization to repair or replace any lost or damaged items in a timely fashion.

Upload Building Usage Application

You may also download the form here, complete and then upload for ELC review.

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